加拿大黄页索引 T (1341)

Taipei Economic & Cultural Office - 151 Yonge St Suite 1212 - (台北经济文化办事处 - 151 Yonge St Suite 1212) 416-360-8778
Taipei Economic & Cultural Office - 888 Progress Ave - (台北经济文化办事处 - 888 Progress Ave) 416-439-8889
Taipei Economic & Culture Office in Canada - (台北经济文化代表处) 613-231-5080
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vancouver - (驻温哥华台北经济文化办事处 Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vancouver) 604-689-4111
Taipei TCM & Acupuncture Clinic - (台北中医针灸诊所) 604-299-1788
Taisho Restaurant - Metropolis - (大将) 604-278-6378
Taitekton Int'l Recruitment Agency - (台州人力资源管理公司) 778-891-2666
Taiwan Beef Noodle House - 5428 Main St, Vancouver - (王记台湾牛肉面 - 5428 Main St, Vancouver) 604-327-6881
Taiwan Beef Noodle House - 8390 Granville St, Vancouver - (王记台湾牛肉面 - 8390 Granville St, Vancouver) 604-266-7966
Taiwan Chamber of Commerce In B.C. - (加拿大卑诗省台湾商会 Taiwan Chamber of Commerce In B.C.) 604-231-8091
Taiwan Entrepreneurs Investors Association in BC - (台湾商会 Taiwan Entrepreneurs Investors Association in BC) 604-739-8887
Taiwan Entrepreneurs Society (Taipei/Toronto) - (多伦多台商会) 416-439-9778
Taiwan Food Products Ltd - (台湾食品公司) 604-502-8968
Taiwan Painting - (台湾专业油漆) 604-512-2899
Taiwan Presbyterian Church In Canada - (台湾基督长老教会大温哥华迦南教会) 604-272-5788
Taiwan Trade & Comm Assoc of Ottawa/Montreal Can - (渥太华/蒙特娄地区台湾商会) 450-671-7573
Taiwan Trade & Comm. Assoc. of Ottawa & Montreal - (渥太华蒙特娄台湾商会) 514-875-1116
Taiwan Trade Center, Toronto - (多伦多台湾贸易中心) 416-363-9946
Taiwan Trade Ctr - (远东贸易服务中心) 514-844-8909
Taiwanese - Canadian Assn - (大温哥华台湾同乡会) 604-688-3738