加拿大黄页索引 M (1260)

Montreal Chinese (Mandairn) School - (加拿大蒙城中华语文学校) 513-630-0381
Montreal Chinese (Mandarin) School - (加拿大蒙城中华语文学校) 450-672-6482
Montreal Chinese (Mandarin) School - 821 Ste-Croix, Ville St-Laurent - (蒙城中华语文学校 - 821 Ste-Croix, Ville St-Laurent) 514-336-7044
Montreal Chinese (Mandarin) School - Montreal - (蒙城中华语文学校 - Montreal) 514-630-0381
Montreal Chinese Alliance Church - (蒙特利尔华人宣道会) 514-482-2703
Montreal Chinese Alliance Grace Church - (蒙特利尔华人宣道会恩典堂) 514-849-0466
Montreal chinese association - (蒙特利尔华人联合总会) 514-861-4541
Montreal Chinese Baptist Church - (蒙特利尔华人浸信会) 514-845-6531
Montreal chinese bowling association - (蒙特利尔华人保龄球会) 514-877-8257
Montreal Chinese Chamber of Commerce - 43 La Gaucheriere E Unit 302, Montreal - (蒙特利尔华商会 - 43 La Gaucheriere E Unit 302, Montreal) 514-398-9603
Montreal Chinese Chamber of Commerce - 79 La Gauchetiere West, Montreal - (蒙特利尔华商会 - 79 La Gauchetiere West, Montreal) 514-398-9603
Montreal Chinese Chamber of Commerce - 81 La Gauchetiere O, Montreal - (蒙特利尔华商会 - 81 La Gauchetiere O, Montreal) 514-398-9750
Montreal Chinese channel - (加拿大蒙特利尔中心广播电台中文台) 450-495-2597
Montreal Chinese chess - (蒙特利尔中国象棋会) 514-352-0288
Montreal Chinese culture art center - (蒙特利尔中华文化艺术中心) 514-926-0459
Montreal Chinese Hospital - (蒙特利尔中华医院) 514-871-0961
Montreal Chinese jing ao hui - (蒙特利尔华侨敬老会) 514-277-0267
Montreal chinese Pentecostal Church - (蒙特利尔华人神召会) 514-861-8097
Montreal Chinese Presbyterian Church - (蒙特利尔中华基督教长老会) 514-270-4782
Montreal chinese professional association - (蒙特利尔华裔青年专业协会) 514-855-9696