加拿大黄页索引 C (2525)

Chinese Bonesetter - (邬杰文跌打医师) 416-292-4289
Chinese Business Chamber of Canada - (加拿大中华商会) 416-366-0966
Chinese Business Services - (通达生意中心) 416-301-6518
Chinese Business Services - (通达生意中心) 416-301-6518
Chinese calligrapher Mr. You ge - (中国书法家有格先生) 416-728-9366
Chinese Canada Artists Federal - (加拿大华人艺术家协会 Chinese Canada Artists Federal) 604-669-2601
Chinese Canadian Advertising Marketing Media Association - (加拿大华人广告市务及传媒协会) 647-588-0033
Chinese Canadian Artists Federation - (加拿大华人艺术家协会) 604-669-2601
Chinese Canadian Dental Society of BC - (加华牙医协会) 604-618-8856
Chinese Canadian Friendship Association - (华侨联谊会) 250-382-7829
Chinese Canadian Intercultural Association - (中加文化交流协会) 416-591-6347
Chinese Canadian Medical Society (BC) - (加华医师协会) 604-685-3814
Chinese Canadian National Council - (全加华人协进会(平权会)) 416-977-9871
Chinese Canadian National Council (Ottawa Chapter) - (平权会) 613-837-3819
Chinese Canadian National Council, Edmonton Chapter - (全加华人协进会(平权会)) 780-429-2262
Chinese Canadian Times - (加中时报) 416-445-7815
Chinese Canadian Times - (加中时报) 604-637-1320
Chinese Canadian Writers' Assn - (加拿大华裔作家协会) 604-941-5083
Chinese Catholic Centre - (天主教华侨中心) 416-598-3920
Chinese Catholic Community - (蒙特利尔中华天主堂) 514-843-3339